Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A "new" Post

Many of you returning to enjoy the warm climate of south west Florida will notice that the 150 yard poles were returned to their original place over the past weeks.

The Green Committee decided, with a majority vote, at their December meeting to re-install the posts after reviewing the many comments both for, and against, the stakes. With over 140 golfing members asked of their preference, a majority of respondents asked to have the post, that had been placed in the center of the fairway over 9 years prior, to be re-instated.
However, it was discussed at the meeting to offer a compromise by lowering the height of the stake to 3 feet so as not to be as obtrusive amongst the beautiful setting of the golf course.

Posted by David Dore-Smith
Director of Golf Course and Grounds Maintenance
Copperleaf Golf Club