Monday, January 13, 2020

FYI 1/10/2020


Golf Maintenance FYI

·         Roman Gomez will be the manager on duty this weekend. We will be watching the weather as there is a 50% chance of rain midday Sunday.

·         The weather has been spectacular for the start of the year with relatively warm temperatures but most importantly, blue skies. Because of this, the turf grass has retained relatively good green color. With Temperatures set to be in the high 80’s over the weekend it should be perfect for the Member Guest event at the end of next week. Cooler weather, in the low 70’s, is expected within 10 days to bring us back to reality.

Hole 3 Wednesday afternoon 1/8/2020 4 PM

·         Unfortunately, I continue to notice some Bermudagrass Mite activity, particularly in the rough. The turf grass is becoming thin in these areas and has a straw-like appearance. Although not as prevalent as last season, the damage is still noticeable. Although areas have been treated, the insects are microscopic and so complete control is near impossible. The warmer weather has helped mask the problem, however, with heavier golfer traffic and the forecast cooler weather, I expect to be battling this pest for some time. Thankfully our short grass areas, tees, fairways and approaches, do not seem to be affected at this stage.

·         It was a very busy week on the golf course with all bunker perimeters being mowed, the entire golf course being fertilized with a quick release fertilizer, all greens double verticut, top-dressed with sand, aerified and fertilized. All of this is in preparation for the upcoming member events. Full compliments to our staff for completing this work in the narrow windows of opportunity offered to us this time of year. Great work!

Raul and Luis aerifying Hole 4 Green – 1/9/2020

·         All Common Grounds were also mowed and edged this week. There have been some weeds observed in the common ground grass over the past weeks and they have now been treated with an appropriate herbicide to control them.

·         We have been adding some additional pine straw throughout the golf course from our own stockpile. Holes 1, 2, 11 and 12 are in the process of being completed.

·         Thank you to Ray Houle, our facilities maintenance manager, for working after hours to complete a temporary repair the water leak behind the Hole 14 bathroom. A permanent repair will be completed within the next two weeks by a professional plumber with the appropriate tools.

Ricardo Gomez chiseling out the concrete block to gain access to the leak on Hole 14 bathroom 1/8/2020

·         A break in our power supply was identified last week that prevented power to the Hole 10 satellite box. The box is responsible for turning on the sprinklers on Hole 10 and the Common Grounds. After tracking the wire location and then identifying where the break was, a 6-foot deep hole was dug to locate the cut. It appears the wire was ever so slightly cut during installation 20 years ago and finally corroded enough to stop the flow of electricity. Thank you to our Irrigation Technician, Luis Altuzar, and David Forrey for their efforts in identifying and correcting the issue. Also thank you to the members in that area for their patience as we painted lines, probed soil and dug holes to locate the wire.


Luis Altuzar digging a 6 foot deep hole to repair the cut power wire 1/8/2020

·         I am pleased to announce that we now have a mating couple of Osprey in the nest box located on Hole 4. The pair consummated their relationship 2 weeks ago and have now begun the process of building their nest. I have ordered an outdoor Wi-Fi extender to be placed on the maintenance building to allow a continuous video stream from the camera placed up on the platform. It will be installed next week.

A picture tells a thousand words!

·         Thank you to those members that have enquired about the fires in Australia and the impact on my family and friends. Thankfully they are currently not in any fire danger in their area, however, the thick smoke has been extraordinary. Thoughts and prayers go to those effected by the devastation, including the extraordinary number of animals.

A photo circulating on social media of two small kangaroos embracing after a fire had passed through

·         It was great to have my Dad visiting from Australia over Christmas. He thoroughly enjoyed meeting several members on the golf course who made him feel so welcome. Of course, he was very impressed with our beautiful golf course and the work that is completed by our staff.

My Dad and I on Hole 8 – 1/3/2020