It has been a busy May for Golf Maintenance with the turfgrass growing at an accelerated rate and small projects beginning around the golf course.
#8 Green - May 21st |
Our first Wednesday closure allowed us to perform some much-needed cultural practices to the putting surfaces after 8 months of heavy play. The greens were Verticut, Double Cut, Aerified, and Topdressed. This process will hopefully be completed every 2-4 weeks during the summer, with an obvious major increase in intensity during our July closure.
Greens were Verticut in 2 directions and then Double Cut prior to Aerification. |
Greens are blown clean prior to rolling and dragging in topdressing sand. |
With growth rates rapidly increasing, we have decided to put our brushes back on the fairway mowers. These brushes are mounted in front of the cutting units and are used throughout the summer to enhance playability and turf density, improve aesthetics, and help control the development of thatch by encouraging vertical leaf orientation and growth.
Fairway brushes were purchased last year and have been a great addition to our toolbox in enhancing playability and improving overall turf quality. |
We have been identifying irrigation coverage deficiencies throughout the golf course and have recently added supplemental irrigation to several areas. Over the past few weeks, we have addressed the blue tees on #10, the green slope on #14, and the green slope on #15. With additional irrigation heads, we are now able to reduce run times while greatly improving overall efficiency.
This new irrigation head was installed behind the blue tee on #10, where a lack in coverage was observed. Turfgrass quality has already started to improve. |
The design and planning phases of the irrigation and landscaping installation around the new clubhouse have begun. Materials are being ordered, and once the area has been prepped and shaped, we will be ready to get to work.
Our honey bees have been working hard throughout the property and we will likely have our first honey harvest next month. As a reminder, the honey harvested from our Copperleaf hives will be sold to members, with proceeds being used to help fund our environmental programs.
Our hives located behind GCM will soon produce sweet benefits for our members, in addition to their pollination services to our native plant material. |
The golf course root pruning will occur during our closure on Wednesday, May 29th. The pruning of tree roots is completed each year by an outside contractor. Tree roots compete with turfgrass for moisture and nutrients. By pruning below-ground roots, turfgrass quality improves without sacrificing tree health.
Our annual Curfew application is scheduled to take place during our closure from June 4th through June 6th. Curfew is a soil fumigant designed to control nematodes (microscopic roundworms) that cause tremendous damage to turfgrass by feeding on roots. Controlling these insects is critical for year-round plant health.
As always, please feel free to email any questions, comments or concerns to See you on the course!
#5 Green - May 2024 |