Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Drainage Basin Leveling

Many of our summer projects have commenced over the past couple of weeks including the leveling of our fairway drainage basins.

Over time, the grass levels surrounding the drainage basins increase due to thatch and organic matter build up. The grass continually grows on top of this new material thus creating a more pronounced "dip" in the fairway contour. Please note that the basins themselves are not "sinking".

This change in elevation has a negative impact on our golfers shot making ability as well as the equipment used to mow the fairways.

The turfgrass surrounding the basin is carefully removed to allow for re-use, the metal grate is removed and then a new 12 inch riser is placed onto the existing PVC pipe. New soil is installed at the appropriate height and compacted. Excess pipe is removed at the new height with a cordless saw and the grate is replaced. To complete the project, the existing sod is placed onto the new soil.

The sod matures over the next two weeks providing a smooth and level surface to play from and maintain.

Thanks to Ricardo and Carlos for undertaking the task of leveling all of the sunken drainage areas on the fairways this summer.

Posted by David Dore-Smith
Director of Golf Course and Grounds Maintenance
Copperleaf Golf Club

Location:Copperleaf Golf Club