Maintenance FYI
golf course continues to look very good and is receiving many compliments from
both year-round and returning members. Thankfully we did receive a half inch of
rain at the beginning of October; however, September was the lowest accumulated
rain total for the history of the Club. I am hopeful that we receive some rain
this Saturday from the Tropical Depression currently in the Gulf of Mexico. Our
lake level is currently at 12 feet 6 inches which is over 1 foot below the same
time last year.
Hole 7 October 2019
Muhly grass throughout the golf course is beginning to bloom with its beautiful
purple florescence. The flowers typically last 6 to 8 weeks which makes this
time of year particularly enjoyable. With “feel like” temperatures still
approaching 100 degrees it remains very hot during the day. Thankfully the
morning and evening temperatures are beginning to be a lot more enjoyable.
Hole 2 Muhly Grass and Thryallis in
full bloom
ground plant material has been trimmed around the Clubhouse and Common Grounds
in preparation for the annual mulch pine straw application scheduled for
mid-November. The golf course will have pine straw applied the first week of
are currently sanding and repainting the tennis court benches and sunshades.
The canvas covers were removed for Hurricane season so before reinstalling, the
benches are receiving some needed attention. Compliments to Ricardo Gomez,
Mathias Andres and David Forrey for their work.
Verdin clock was installed on Wednesday and has already received many
compliments. Overall the project was a great success and I can’t thank Ricardo
Gomez, Mathias Andres, Luis Altuzar and David Forrey for their efforts.
The finished Verdin clock located at
the Practice Facility
Osprey has become very active high up on her perch located near the bathrooms
on Hole 4. She remains there most of the time watching the golfers drive by and
dines on at least one fish every day. I remain hopeful that this is the year
she lays eggs.
Single white female looking for mate
– enjoys flying and fishing – text 555-BIRD
hydrants are beginning to be repainted by Bonita Springs Utilities throughout
the Community. This is an arduous task as each hydrant is having new hardware
installed, sand blasted, primed and then painted with an epoxy paint. It will
take several weeks for this to be completed. The new appearance is wonderful
and compliments the neighborhoods.
A primed fire hydrant ready for
to David Forrey and the Leadership group for their efforts during my vacation.
I am fortunate to have such a strong team that continues to present the golf
course to a high standard daily. They simply know what to do.
A beautiful sunrise on Hole 18 as the
green and fairway get mowed for the days play