Using a penetrometer, a device used to measure compaction, it was discovered that our greens soil was substantially compacted 4 inches below the surface. This compaction was caused by our Toro Aerifiers in that the tines used when coring or spiking the greens are limited to this 4 inch depth. Over time, a "hard pan" is created and prevents water penetration, restricts root growth and oxygen exchange.
The Vert-Drain unit can be set to a depth of 10 inches using small 3/8" tines that have very little impact on the putting surface. In fact, once rolled, the greens were ready for play.

A noticeable improvement in turf quality was quickly realized after the deep tine application including a substantial improvement in water penetration from our sprinklers.
I look forward to this cultural practice continuing monthly throughout the golfing season and helping to provide quality greens.
Posted by David Dore-Smith
Director of Golf Course and Grounds Maintenance
Copperleaf Golf Club
Location:Copperleaf Golf Course
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