Friday, January 20, 2012

Traffic Compaction

It is great to see so many of our members and their guests enjoying the beautiful weather out on the golf course. In fact, the course has been receiving over 230 rounds of golf per day for the past several weeks. With this increased play, our turf grass becomes affected due to the cart traffic and the compaction of the soil that they create.

As can be seen here, cart traffic is our number one cause for stressed turf.

The use of signs and stakes has been implemented throughout the course in an effort to guide golfers where to drive their golf carts, and importantly, where not to drive their golf carts, so as to preserve the health of the turf and provide quality conditions.

Please stay off tee slopes and utilize the 90 degree rule on each hole

Please help by following the directional signs placed strategically in certain locations, do not drive in between the green and white stakes, stay off tee slopes and do not follow the golf cart in front of you when driving on the fairways.

Utilizing the 90 degree rule is extremely helpful by staying on the cart paths as much as possible. Also, when travelling down the hole, please scatter in the fairway rather than the rough to help maintain dense turf in these areas. The longer growing rough can not withstand the constant stress of cart traffic, especially during these cooler months.

I appreciate the help in maintaining your golf course.

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