Thursday, December 26, 2019

FYI 12-20-19

Golf Maintenance FYI

·         David Dore-Smith will be the Manager on duty this weekend. I will be taking some time off next week to enjoy some time with my father, John, who is visiting from Australia, for the next two weeks.

·         On behalf of the golf maintenance department, I would like to say thank you to all the members that contributed to the employee Christmas Fund. Our staff were so thankful and appreciative of your generosity. It truly makes Copperleaf such a special place to work when you feel appreciated by your employer. Thank you so much.

·         Unfortunately, I have been noticing some Bermudagrass Mite activity, particularly in the rough. The turf grass is becoming thin in these areas and has a straw-like appearance. Although not as prevalent as last season, the damage is still noticeable. We will be treating the affected areas with the appropriate products over the coming weeks to prevent further damage.

·         All Common Grounds were mowed and edged this week in preparation for the Christmas Holiday next week.

·         All bunkers were edged this week to maintain a defined edge and improved appearance.

·         We have been adding some additional pine straw throughout the golf course from our own stockpile and will continue to do so into the New Year to complete the application. Hole s 1, 2 , 11 and 12 still need to be completed.

·         A small leak has been identified in the BSU waterline in the wall of the bathroom on Hole 14. The concrete will have to be chiseled out behind the building to locate the leak and attempt to make a repair. We plan to undertake this arduous task next week.

·         We continue to have many of our staff enjoying their remaining vacation days over the next 2 weeks. In fact, we have 7 staff members away enjoying time with their families. With turf growth slowing down substantially, it is a good time of year for our staff to take a much-deserved break.

·         Overall, the golf course remains in very good condition. We have received some welcome rain over the past week that not only helps the health of the turf grass but also helps raise the water level of the lakes. Please note that we are expecting some additional rain on Sunday and into Monday so please plan accordingly.

·         The golf course maintenance staff wish the members of Copperleaf a wonderful Christmas and hope that you will be enjoying the day with family and friends.

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