Wednesday, April 1, 2020

FYI 1-17-2020

Golf Maintenance FYI

·         David Forrey and David Dore-Smith (Saturday) will be the manager on duty this weekend.

·         We will be watching the weather next week as a cool front will be moving through the area on Monday bringing temperatures back to reality.

·         The weather has been almost perfect this week for the Men’s Member/Guest. The greens are in great shape and received many compliments from the participants. In fact, the entire golf course has been praised all week long for its conditions. Thank you to Mother Nature for her efforts in keeping the blue skies and warm weather around for all to enjoy.

·         Compliments to my staff for their efforts this week. There has been great teamwork by all employees, each contributing to the overall success of the Club. Saturday we will all start at 5:30 AM to get the entire golf course mowed prior to the 8:15 Shotgun. Having the dew off the turf for the golfers is an appreciated touch by all golfers.

·         Compliments specifically to David Forrey, our Assistant Superintendent, for his amazing efforts for Copperleaf. His broad knowledge on almost all things is so helpful to me and the Copperleaf Community. Construction, irrigation, electrical, equipment, agronomy; the list goes on. Without his efforts and attention to detail, the Maintenance Department would not be as successful as it is today. If you see him out on the golf course, please be certain to thank him for his efforts and dedication to Copperleaf.

·         We continue adding pine straw throughout the golf course that was not completed in 2019. It is an arduous and time-consuming task; however, the results and improved appearance are worth the effort.

·         21 light bulbs have been replaced at the front entrance landscape lighting this week to make the appearance consistent. Also, 2 light sensors were replaced on Friday to make the lights turn on and off at the appropriate time each day. I will be replacing the large center island landscape lights in the short future to improve appearances for our front entrance. They will be recessed into the ground instead of above ground where they are easily damaged from falling fronds and look unsightly. This will also include replacing the outlets used for the Christmas lighting so that they will work as intended during the Holiday period.

·         Our nursery area at golf maintenance will be sodded next week. New irrigation is being installed this week to improve coverage. It will be a great improvement to the area and allow for training employees on equipment and trialing different products and new equipment.

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