Monday, June 10, 2019

FYI 1/25/19

Golf Maintenance FYI

·         Some unseasonable weather has impacted our golf course over the past week, and it looks to continue over the next 10 days. Over an inch of rain following the conclusion of the Invitational followed by another inch of rain yesterday and the forecast is calling for over an inch of rain this coming Sunday. On top of that, cold weather, at least for our climate, is predicted to persevere. All of this does not help our golf course as the wet and soggy conditions aide in excessive compaction from the golf carts and the cold weather takes the color away from our turf grass. To combat these conditions, we are spraying liquid fertilizers combined with some green pigment to aide in color and we are also spraying wetting agents that will help the rain water penetrate into the soil rather than sitting on the surface due to the compaction.
·         The maintenance building project continues on track with all dry wall installed this week. Texture will be added the drywall early next week followed by paint. Once the painting is complete the flooring will be installed. Drop ceilings and lighting will commence in the short future. Completion of the building is still set for early March with the asphalt overlay of the parking lot scheduled possibly in April. The temporary trailer needs to be removed before the asphalt can commence.
·         All greens were top-dressed on Wednesday. They were then aerified on Thursday, even during the rain, to aide in compaction relief and to allow oxygen and nutrients to penetrate the soil. After aerification, the greens were fertilized with potassium to aide in cold tolerance. Our greens remain in very good condition.
·         Fairways and Approaches will be fertilized with a quick release granular fertilizer during the week as well as the liquid application mentioned above. We are putting all efforts into preparing and presenting the golf course to the highest standard during the busiest time and combating the less than ideal weather conditions.
·         New plants and pine straw have been completed on Sago Pointe and Wisteria Pointe. We will continue throughout the other common grounds and neighborhoods over the coming weeks.
·         David Forrey and Ricardo Gomez have started the retaining wall project at the cart staging area. It is a tedious process, but the early results look impressive. It will be completed next week.
·         The Green Committee suggested, and unanimously approved, to have golfers utilize the practice mats on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday every week to help protect the turf.
·         Compliments to my entire staff for their patience and willingness to work through the rain on Thursday and to complete the greens aerification. It was a wonderful effort by all, especially David and Tina for “herding the cats” and for Roman Gomez for having the equipment ready and fixing breakdowns on the fly. Like all the other Departments, I am sure the Members would be shocked to see what happens behind the scenes to get things done!

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