Monday, June 10, 2019

FYI 1/11/2019

January Board Report
·         Treatments to the affected turf areas have been successful over the past month. The underlying issue has been identified as Bermudagrass Stunt Mites. I will attach link to a December 2018 Golf Course Management article. In summary, there is very little known about this pest and control measures are difficult. The mites also allow Nematodes and disease to have more of an impact. Although still frustrated, I am relieved that I now know what I am treating and can apply the labeled products.
·         The maintenance building project is really showing some signs of progress. The new offices have been framed, plumbing is installed, IT cables have been installed as well as electrical cables. Lighting is being installed in the storage and fuel building. Our fuel pumps are now operational and the ESD wash station will be functioning by the end of the week.
·         David Forrey has been very busy this week along with a team of employees detailing the bunkers. All bunkers have been edged and sand depth has been checked and addressed where needed. Additional work will need to be completed during the summer months to replenish sand.
·         Tina has been extremely busy spraying fairways and roughs with fertilizer and an insecticide to help control the Bermudagrass Mites. She has also sprayed the plants throughout the clubhouse grounds to control and prevent Whiteflies. Her efforts are greatly appreciated.
·         Both David and Tina applied granular fertilizer to the golf course this week in preparation for the Men’s Member Guest next week. The course should be in great shape.
·         Flavio has been performing detail work around the clubhouse and front entrance with trimming and the installation of new mulch to the garden beds. The pavers that were ordered back in November “should” be delivered next week. I believe I have been experiencing the same delays that many of our members have experienced with their roof tiles and I apologize. I assure you that they will be installed as soon as possible after arrival to complete this project.
·         The Practice Tee over-seed looks great and will help with divot recovery over the next 3 months.
·         There has been a delay in sending out the Green Committee email blasts due to a committee member having other obligations. Dick Hockman and I will be reviewing the verbiage from last year and hope to get something out next week.
·         New plant material has been ordered for Sago Point and Wisteria Point common grounds. The plants will be delivered and installed next week.
·         Our Mechanic, Roman Gomez, continues to impress with his hard work and attention to detail to our equipment and cutting units. His work area has been impacted due to the building project and he continues to provide a quality product. I truly appreciate his efforts.
·         Overall the golf course is in good shape and has responded extremely well to the insecticide and fertilizer applications. Additional treatments will be required over the coming weeks to keep the Bermudagrass Mite in check. Our greens remain in very good condition and the additional work to the bunkers really helps to beautify the appearance of the course.

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