Friday, June 28, 2019

FYI 6/28/19

Golf Maintenance FYI

·         The heat index continues to rise with constant “feel like” temperatures approaching 110 degrees. There have been regular heat advisory warnings issued by the County and so we have been protective of our staff due to the physical nature of their work. Our equipment is also under extreme pressure during the high heat. Many thanks to our Mechanic, Roman Gomez, for his efforts in keeping our equipment running daily.
·         We have not received any measurable rain for over 2 weeks now. The heat coupled with the lack of rain is having negative impacts on the overall appearance of the turf grass in certain areas. Brown, discolored turf areas can be seen in certain areas throughout the course. Wetting agents that improve water efficacy have been applied to these areas to aide in turf health.
·         Our dry conditions were made worse when our irrigation computer quit working last Friday causing no irrigation to occur that night. Both David Forrey and I had to water the course manually with our handheld radios on Saturday, Sunday and Monday night before a replacement computer was delivered on Tuesday. Compliments to David Forrey for his efforts during this challenging time.
·         With over 30,000 rounds of golf being played at Copperleaf this year I am looking forward to closing the course on July 8 to complete the necessary cultural practices to alleviate compaction. This soil compaction is not allowing water to penetrate deep into the soil and creates a shallow root system. With our current high temperatures, the grass easily dries out during the day and becomes stressed before the next irrigation cycle begins at night.
·         There are certain areas throughout the course where the turf has been “burned” by golf cart tires in the afternoon heat. The tires crush the cells in the leaf blade and cause the turf to dieback. I would encourage all golfers to be aware of where they are driving and to stay away from dry, stressed turf.

Tire marks burnt into the turf on Hole 3

·         Compliments to the golf maintenance staff for preparing the course for the local Junior Golfers on Wednesday. It was another hot day with the golfers required to walk the course. Our own Braden Miller played extremely well and was near the top of his flight.
·         All greens were verticut and top-dressed with sand and fertilized with potassium this week. The potassium will help with the extreme weather conditions as it improves turf strength against drought and heat. The sand top-dressing will help to dilute organic material in the soil and provide a firm surface. Compliments to Tina Fry for pushing a 70-pound fertilizer spreader across our greens on Wednesday afternoon during some truly excessive heat and humidity. She truly is an amazing individual and I can’t be more thankful for her efforts!
·         All Tees and Fairways were sprayed with a liquid fertilizer this week in preparation for the July 4 event next week and to strengthen the turf.

A photo of Hole 12 Fairway and Green complex taken this morning

·         Without question, we need rain. One thing is certain though, the rain will be coming soon. Lets just hope it is between 6 PM and 6 AM so that we can continue to get our work done on the course during the day.
·         A reminder that the course will be closed for major cultural practices starting Monday July 8 and re-open Monday July 29. Please plan your vacations accordingly 😊

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