Golf Maintenance FYI
• All greens were double verticut, top-dressed with sand and fertilized on Wednesday.
• Greens will be top-dressed and aerified next week on Wednesday utilizing the same small tines used during the season.
• The golf course turf was fertilized on Wednesday.
• David Forrey will be working this weekend.
• Cart paths will begin to be edged this coming week.
• We have started lowering the height of the rough from 1.5 inches to 1.25 inches. This practice eliminated the “puffiness” of the turf and provides a clean even surface. It will take several weeks for the turf to acclimate to the new height.
• We are planning to host local golf course mechanics and Superintendents at our new facility on Tuesday, May 28. A lot of people are interested in seeing the new building and to learn the successful process we undertook. I am hopeful I can coordinate some food from our kitchen for the event and will work with Traci and Chef Paul on the details. I am hopeful for 25 to 30 people to attend.
• Thanks to David Forrey for re-connecting the air compressor and completing the air lines to the main building and chemical room. He is now working on installing the hot water heater in the Chemical Building and moving the shelves and products back in.
• Compliments to my team today! We received 3.6 inches of rain yesterday evening in a very short period. Thankfully the golf course absorbed the rain and we were without restrictions today; however, the bunkers weren’t so lucky. 10 staff members spent 6 hours today pushing sand back and removing sediment and were only able to complete the front 9 holes. The back 9 will be completed tomorrow. There is more rain forecast for tonight and is becoming more consistent in the extended forecast. It would appear the rainy season may have started early this year.
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